
SKELETRON® Pre-Order Store

Created by SKELETRON

RED SHADOWS® action figures and more! For lovers of 80s toys, robots, spaceships, and skulls! PLEASE NOTE: Ship dates are Estimated and subject to change.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

JoeFest, Grinding, & Grindstone Toys
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jun 09, 2022 at 01:36:59 PM

JoeFest, Grinding & Grindstone Toys

Dear Roboskullers,

Progress continues as we work on multiple items concurrently- refinements and subtle improvements are being made to make the very best toys possible!  And we'll be showing off some of our latest progress with product updates at JoeFest!

Yes, SKELETRON will be at JoeFest in Augusta later this month (June 24-26) and we hope to see you there!  JoeFest is an awesome convention and a great place to hunt toys, attend panels, and just hang out and enjoy conversations with fellow collectors.   And if you've never been to a toy convention, please give one a try- Do it for you!  Trust us, you won't regret it.  We hope to see you at our booth, at the bar, and at our SKELETRON panel in Augusta on Saturday night!

As we prep for the show, here are some secret prototype pics of our Grindstone Retro Wolf Trooper & Marauder Wolf Trooper:


Our friends at Grindstone Toys & Marauder "Gun-Runners" will also be at JoeFest!  And in case you missed it, our Retro Wolf Trooper collaborators, Grindstone Toys, are in the midst of their own Kickstarter, which funded in only 6 hours!   If you have an interest in 80s toys or badass action figures, please give it a look:


The CALLSIGN: LONGBOW Kickstarter concludes this Saturday, and there are EVEN MORE AWESOME figures just waiting to be unlocked!   MARAUDER DESERT TROOPERS,  TRACKSUIT HENCHMEN, SOVIET NINJAS, and more!  We want to see all these figures made, so please check out CALLSIGN: LONGBOW on Kickstarter!

Thank you all, and hope to see you soon!


Passing of a Legend
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 04:37:19 AM

KEN KELLY: Brother of True Metal, Roboskuller, and Friend

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Ken Kelly.  An icon, a legend, and an inspiration to us and so many others, he is already missed.  We are incredibly fortunate to have been able to work with him on our packaging art, and our thoughts are with his family and friends. 

Growing up playing Dungeons & Dragons and listening to heavy metal, there were few things more absolutely fantastic than the art adorning my Manowar album covers.  Painted by legendary artist Ken Kelly, they fully captured my imagination, and even a kid could see they were painted by a master.  I didn't know the extent of Ken's iconic work back then, and I certainly never imagined I'd have a chance to collaborate with him decades later.

Working with Ken on our Skeletron toy line launch has been nothing short of a dream come true.  I was flying sky-high after I first spoke with Ken and he agreed to take on our project.  Even in his seventies, he was incredibly strong, vital-  a real badass.  I feel so fucking fortunate to have been able to talk with him and to get to know him, just a little.  We had a lot more kickass work planned out together, but I'm just so grateful for the time I was given to work with him.  I don't think you get many chances to create with your heroes.  And Ken, you sure delivered.  Thank you.

Godspeed and Forever Carry On

-Ben Conway

KEN KELLY 1946-2022

over 2 years ago – Thu, May 05, 2022 at 03:38:25 AM


Roboskullers blow up BackerKit after exploding our Kickstarter!


We're blown away, too.  No one could have expected the level of support we received during our Kickstarter, and even after seeing how crazy awesome you Roboskullers are, we still did not anticipate such an amazingly successful BackerKit.  We've grown to 1,995 supporters, who have pledged over $900,000 to this project!

Nothing could have prepared us for this.  Together we've far exceeded EVERY expectation for this project.   Your backing, your sharing, your podcasts, your comments, and your kindness have made this bigger, faster, and better than it otherwise ever could have been.  Thank you.   And we thank every one of our many partners, collaborators, and freelancers who jumped aboard our Concept Roboskull MKII as we set our sights so very high.  Thank you.

And so this mission is now accomplished, but SKELETRON's mission has really just begun.  We now fly back to our Red Shadows Secret Laboratory, to toil away on every detail- and ensure we deliver the very best to you, our faithful Roboskullers!



IMPORTANT for ALL-IN & ELITE Backers & Completists!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 05:10:27 PM


This is a final reminder that we've added ALL-NEW BackerKit Items that were not included with ANY Kickstarter Pledge Levels.

This information is especially important for ALL-IN & ELITE Backers who want to have it all!  You must ADD these "NEW ON BACKERKIT" items to your survey if you wish to receive these items.  Again, they are not included with your Kickstarter ALL-IN or ELITE pledge levels!

Here are the FIVE ALL-NEW Items that can be found in your BackerKit Survey that were not available during the Kickstarter:

  • 4" (FOUR INCH) Marauder JUNGLE WOLF TROOPER figure
  • 6" (SIX INCH) Marauder JUNGLE WOLF TROOPER figure
  • 4" (FOUR INCH) Marauder GYRE WOLF figure
  • 6" (SIX INCH) Marauder GYRE WOLF figure
  • ROBOSKULL Vinyl Record featuring Wordburglar & Cosmic Orphan

And even if you're not a completist collector, be sure to check out these new items, and finalize your survey today!  BACKERKIT CLOSES TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT! (Central Standard Time Zone)



6" Figure Update // Two Days Remaining for BackerKit
over 2 years ago – Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 11:13:05 PM


Hello again!  As a reminder, the last day to make item updates to your pledge is SATURDAY, APRIL 30th. After this date, we will lock your reward selections and charge cards for add-on item purchases.  Your shipping address will NOT lock at this time, and you will be able to update your shipping address whenever you like (until just prior to shipment next year).

Thank you to the now 84% of Roboskullers who have visited and completed your survey!   We think that's pretty good!  Thank you for all your support adding our new BackerKit items-  JUNGLE WOLF TROOPER, GYRE WOLF, and our Roboskull Vinyl Album!  If you haven’t answered your survey yet, or if you're still making adjustments, please take a few minutes in the next 48 hours to finalize your survey-  it will really help us out.    And remember, we are also here to help you, so please let us know if you need any assistance!


We teamed up with Marauder GR & to introduce an all-new 6" figure line, which all YOU crazy awesome Roboskullers unlocked (and then some) during the Kickstarter.  We've been working away at our 6" figure sculpt and articulation, and though still a work-in-process, we just have to bring some 6" love your way prior to our BackerKit close: 


We are insanely excited about these 6" figures, which will feature additional articulation with incredible detail and texture.  We hope you enjoy this first look at our 6" WOLF TROOPER! 


For those of you who haven't yet, please LIKE US on Facebook, FOLLOW US on Instagram, and join us in the SKELETRON SECRET LAB Group.  C'mon, just do it-  it'll be fun!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!